Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Water play on the deck!

Need muscles for this water bottle! Check out the arm guns!
She must have Dad's muscle tone.

Duke...come here....it's okay...it's JUST water!
(Notice....the really cute new sandles...with sparklies!!)

Haha! I got him!

More Pictures...just for fun!

Having fun outside with our new playset....

Thank you Daddy for setting it up for me. I have my very own park in the backyard!

First Hair Cut...Bangs

Ta Dah!!


Today we cut bangs...this was while Dad was out getting Thai Food and Aunt Kelsey and Mike were shopping for cars. The review was that she still retains her cuteness however...the bangs were not the preferred cut.

Mom thinks she's super cute - even with the bangs.

Friday, September 12, 2008


Call from Dad - Addy wants to talk - it usually goes something like this....

Dad: Hello? - is this Addysen?

Assssyn. (pointing to herself)
Dad: Hi

Dad: It's Dad

Dad: Are you talking on the phone?

Dad: Good, is Mom there?

Dad: Hello!

Dad: Are you watching Hipo?

Dad:How are you?

Dad: I'm good.


Saturday, September 6, 2008

My Daddy and I

Addy and Daddy posing for a picture. Addy is definately a Daddy's girl...She has grown up so much in the last 21 months. Can you believe she is almost 2? Here are a couple "blast from the past" pictures - she's been a Daddy's girl right from the start!

Cuddeling in the hospital...

Still waiting to grow into Dad's sunglasses...

A regular Mariner's Fan!

Adoro a mi padre tanto. ¡El es mi héroe!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Too cute for words...

I am totally bias....but how could not agree??
(I think she knew I was taking a picture and
thought she's spice it up a bit and make this face instead of her cheesy smile)

I think the monkey jammies have an influce on her spicy attitude! (smile)

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Addysen slept in until 10:30 Saturday morning after the wedding. This is a ALL TIME record for her as far as sleeping in. As you can see - the sleep made her very happy! She's also in the same clothes she was the night before!

More smiles....

Coloring on her easel and using BOTH hands!