Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bath Time Smiles

Here is a glimpse into our bath night routine. Addy likes to step on the scale and look at the "numbers". She now refers to the scale as "numbers". Then she throws all the shampoo and the toys in the water and finally, I set her in the tub and she promptly requests...."bubbles"!! Occationally ~ I get to take a couple snap shots. PS....Happy 2nd Anniversary Mom and Dad!

Addy after "numbers" and getting ready to get into the tub.

Mom says, "smile - and show your pretty teeth".

"Teeth Brush" and she also refers to the tooth paste as "bubbles". After she's done 'teeth brushing' she likes to pretend she shaving like Dad. (with the non-working electric razor) The funniest part is when she's done touching it to her cheeck, she taps it on the sink like Dad does when he empties it. It is sooo funny to watch!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swing Swing!

Addy loves the swings at Alan Park. Her mini swing and slide set at home do not measure up to the park anymore. There are 4 toddler swings at the park - orange, yellow, green and blue. She likes to swing in each color and then go and slide...on each of the slides. We have a routine after swinging, we slide and climb and then back to the swings. repeat. She laughes and giggles and really enjoy watching the other kids play.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

You've Got Mail!

Addysen thinks she's typing away sending emails off to her distant friends in countries far away. For all I know, she could be coordinating meeting up at the Nordstrom's sale with her Aunts...

I think she's amazed at how this stuff works - the sounds and music (usually error messages) that comes from this little grey box...moving the mouse and watching the arrow go everywhere... it's enough to make anyone dizzy!


Big Boat!

"Big Boat" is what she says in between pointing out airplanes and birds. Here are pictures from Addy's first time out on Jim and Kathleen's boat. She's such a natural - although her facial expression indicates she doesn't appreciate the wind. She got to drive the boat with her feet and stand out on the bow with Dad. What a great way to spend a sunny Sunday day! Nothing but 'good times'....
Lounging on the chair

Laughing until she drools!

As 1st mate she's allowed to give orders!

Cool Girl wearing Mom's sunglasses!

Feet drive the boat?

Nothing but smiles :)

...except when it's windy and when she has to wear this big blue life vest.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

..."a happy working song..."

"....Come my little friends As we all sing a happy little working song~Merry little voices clear and strong~Come and roll your sleeves up - So that we can pitch in~Cleaning crud up in the kitchen~ As we sing along - Come my little friends - As we all sing a happy little working song~~..." (Enchanted, Amy Adams)

How cute is this? Don't you wish you smiled like this while you're cleaning the house? Addy is helping me clean and Dad made the 'swifer mop' a special hight so it's just her size. She feels like a big girl helping Mom.


getting those hard to reach places...

taking a break from cleaning to get a picture with Dad!


Friday, July 4, 2008

4th of July at the Lake!

4th of July at the Lake was a Blast - literally! Addy took a little while to warm up (as usual) and then she was roaming the house like it was her own. One of her favorite things to do at Tom and Nina's (other than visit with family that is) is playing with the puppies and being near the water! She loves Lulu, Cocoa and because they are just her size.
Dad tried to put her feet in the water but it was too cold for her liking so she settled for sitting on the dock. As you can see Addy and Dad have started a tradition of wearing matching festive t-shirts. Stay tuned for next years look.... Addy finally surrendered to the sand man and fell asleep briefly (which was also inviting to Uncle Dan) but then woke up after a couple hours from all the noise. She came out to see the fireworks and quickly discovered she's not a fan. This was the first time she's requested to go 'inside' rather than 'outside'. Thank you everyone for another fun 4th!

Matt, Matt, Addy and Tom

Watch Out ---- Future Motorhomers!

Siesta...Uncle Dan and Addy...zzzzzzzzzz